var req="featured"; var pag=1; var cat=0; var sea=""; function setRequest(str) { req=str; pag=1; cat=0; sea=""; $(".widget_title").html(str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) + " Videos"); getData(); } function display(number) { if(number==0) { number=pag; } if(cat==0 && sea=="") { setPage(number); } else if(sea!="") { setSearchPage(number); } else { setChannelPage(number); } } function setPage(page) { pag=page; getData(); } function setChannelPage(page) { pag=page; getVidChannel(); } function setSearchPage(page) { pag=page; getVidSearch(); } function getData() { // display loading $("#loadingResult").html('
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'); // query data $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?req=subchannel&cat_id=" + cat +"&page="+ pag, // this is the path from above success: function(response) { $("#tempResult").html(response); $("#loadingResult").html($("#records").html()); $("#pagingResult").html($("#pagination").html()); } }); } function getVidChannel() { // display loading $("#loadingResult").html('
'); // query data $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?req=vidchannel&cat_id=" + cat +"&page="+ pag, // this is the path from above success: function(response) { $("#tempResult").html(response); $("#loadingResult").html($("#records").html()); $("#pagingResult").html($("#pagination").html()); } }); } function setDisplay(vid) { playVideo(vid); } function playVideo(vid) { // display loading $("#loadingResult").html('
'); // query data $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?req=player&uniq_id="+ vid, // this is the path from above success: function(response) { $("#tempResult").html(response); $("#loadingResult").html($("#records").html() + '
'); $("#pagingResult").html(""); playSWF ($("#videoPath").html(), 'mediaspace', '192', '135', 'q4b6a9c8', 'true') } }); } function playSWF (fileName, divName, vwidth, vheight, hw_cdn_id, autoplay) { var so = new SWFObject("player.swf","Player",vwidth,vheight,"9","#FFFFFF"); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so.addVariable('logo.file','playerlogo.png'); so.addVariable('autostart', autoplay); so.addVariable('stretching','fill'); so.addVariable('skin',''); so.addVariable('playlistfile','mrss.php?file='+fileName+'%26hw_cdn_id='+hw_cdn_id); so.addVariable('playlist','none'); so.addVariable('repeat','list'); so.addVariable('logo.hide','false'); so.addVariable('logo.position','bottom-right'); so.write(divName); } function search_video() { sea=$('#search').val(); if(sea!="") { getVidSearch(); } else { alert('Please put some keyword'); } } function getVidSearch() { // display loading $("#loadingResult").html('
'); // query data $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "ajax.php?req=vidsearch&key=" + sea +"&page="+ pag, // this is the path from above success: function(response) { $("#tempResult").html(response); $("#loadingResult").html($("#records").html()); $("#pagingResult").html($("#pagination").html()); } }); }