Chabad and Israel (10:28)
Member of Knesset Yoel Chasson (2)
Sacred Shepherds: Moses and the Rebbe (46:42)
A piercing look at why some leaders succeed and others fail. Those at the helm greatly affect their communities, and even entire generations. What makes a layman into a leader, a civilian into a captain? This lecture examines the impact of two towering leaders in Jewish history—Moses and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Dr. Simcha Leibovich (5)
Israel: Operation Protective Edge (56:45)
Three Chabad representatives in Israel share about their activities helping soldiers, terror victims and their families during the war in Gaza.
Rabbi Danny Cohen (7)
From the Front Lines: 08/05/14 (3:23)
Max Gordon describes his experience as a "lone soldier" in the Israeli army.
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Max Gordon (1)
The Brains Behind the Book (54:58)
A discussion with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, author of My Rebbe. This conversation took place at the 9th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Molly Resnick (20)
In Defense of Israel (7:40)
As international outrage is reaching its peak over the war in Gaza, questions of justice and morality start to become ambiguous. Has Israel been grossly abusing human rights and are Israel's responses to Hamas at all proportionate? Former attorney general Michael Mukasey makes a case for Israel in this interview at the National Jewish Retreat
Michael Mukasey (4)
From the Front Lines 08/05/14 (6:06)
Mendy Cole relates a personal account of his experiences as a lone soldier in the IDF during the Gaza war. He shares some of the dreams and ideals that motivate him to serve in the army
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Mendy Cole (1)
From the Front Lines 08/04/14 (2:29)
This short clip provides a peek into the life of lone IDF soldier, Bentzy Weiss. He shares his personal experience and some of the deep emotions experienced by the entire nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Bentzy Weiss (1)
From the Front Lines 08/05/14 (1:20)
Chayel el Chayal provides a warm and welcoming family for the young Jewish men and women who come to Israel from around the world with the goal of serving in the IDF; risking their own lives to protect the lives of the Jewish nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Jake Goldstein (1)
From the Front Lines 08/05/14 (2:04)
Chayel el Chayal provides a warm and welcoming family for the young Jewish men and women who come to Israel from around the world with the goal of serving in the IDF; risking their own lives to protect the lives of the Jewish nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Shmuel Michelle (1)
Sim Shalom (4:36)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Cantor Shai Abramson (2)
From the Front Lines 08/04/14 (2:04)
Sarah Cohen is a "lone" soldier fro Manchster, England. She describes her dream to become an Israeli soldier and the overwhelming kindness and genrosity she experienced while serving in the army
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Sarah Cohen (1)
From the Front Lines 07/31/14 (1:59)
Chayel el Chayal provides a warm and welcoming family for the young Jewish men and women who come to Israel from around the world with the goal of serving in the IDF; risking their own lives to protect the lives of the Jewish nation
Series: Chayal El Chayal
Mendel Ezagui (1)
We Are Here to Stay (6:07)
In this moving clip, General Adigdor Kahalani conveys a profound message of strength and courage as he recalls some of his experiences in the army. .
Series: Israel Mission 2014
General Avigdor Kahalani (2)
My Country and My Family (13:12)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Mr. Doron Almog (2)
My Israel Experience (4:51)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Leslie Kulick (1)
Discovering Israel (27:36)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz (157)
Bringing Light into our Lives (11:05)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
How She Really Does It (13:07)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Mrs. Sara Pachter (1)
Opening of the Mission (28:31)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
General Effi Eitam (1)
Jewish Revival (16:00)
Series: Israel Mission 2014
Mr. Yuli Edelstein (5)
Usher In the Dawn: From Pain to Purpose (32:18)
This address was delivered at the 8th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Sherri Mandell (5)
Menachem Begin and Israeli Politics (52:16)
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Golda Meir and the Foundations of Israel (48:57)
Dr. Henry Abramson (90)
Building Resilience After Tragedy (1:04:44)
Mrs. Sherri Mandell (5)
Middle Eastern Games (31:13)
Global warming could lead to cooler weather in Europe; raising taxes leads to less revenue;disarming leads to war. Professor Yisroel Aumann relates contradictions that prove his game-theory that led to his winning a Nobel Prize. Professor Aumann relates the example of the Arabs versus the Crusaders and how Arab patience can overcome the impatience of the Jews for peace.
Professor Yisrael (Robert) Aumann (1)
Personal Encounters: An Interview with the Chief Rabbi (59:14)
Look at the light not the shadows. He never agreed to a split amongst Jewish people, "we are all from the same father, we are all one nation," says Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau in this interview with Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
The People of the Book (39:27)
From where are the seeds of Jewish excellency in all areas of life? The fascinating stories told by Chief Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau illustrate the value of Torah knowledge and learning without reward, or diplomas. This talk was filmed at the Chag Hasmicha-Rabbinic Ordination Ceremony of Congregation Bnei Ruven in Chicago.
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
Remembering Ilan (15:14)
Ilan Ramon took the first Jewish symbols into space, kosher food, kiddush and shabbos. Mrs. Rona Ramon describes the symbolism of the patch, see below, designed to encourage people to relate to Ilan's mission and feel a part of it
Mrs. Rona Ramon (1)
My Relationship with the Rebbe (39:50)
The messenger is a reflection of the one who sent him. Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau reminisces about his meetings with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, each time lasting exactly 2 hours and 20 minutes. The Rebbe expressed great caring for Rabbi Lau, both on physical and spiritual levels, even informing him of his future position as Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
Munich Memoirs (49:16)
After 30 years of silence, former Olympic Fencer, Dan Alon, opens up and recounts his experience growing up in Israel, fencing from a young age along with his father and the exhilarating moment of entering the Olympic stadium in Munich with all that accord on that dreadful day. Mr
Mr. Dan Alon (1)
Bring Gilad Home (4:15)
Dudu Fisher (25)
Reacting to Tragedy (28:28)
In May of 2001, Seth and Sherri Mandel received the worst news that a parent could hear: their eldest son, Koby, had been cruelly murdered. Sherri and Seth didn't know how they could possibly continue to live without their child -- nor did they want to
Mrs. Sherri Mandell (5)
Israel: The Jewish Homeland (11:33)
Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the House for Israel's Knesset, is a Jersualemite with ties that go back generations. His ancestor, Rabbi Hillel Rivlin, a relative of the great Vilna Gaon, came to Ottoman Palestine 73 years before the first glimmerings of political Zionism
Mr. Reuven Rivlin (2)
A Vision for Jerusalem (20:43)
Jerusalem, one of the oldest cities in the world, can't seem to keep herself out of the headlines. Whether it's an archeological discovery, BDS movement attempts a half a world away, or some contretemps between religious groups, Jerusalem still maintains her ancient status as the center of the world
Nir Barkat (2)
Support Israel Today! (51:35)
In this video, Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi discusses the value of supporting the state of Israel for each any every Jew. The land of Israel is inherent to our essential Jewish identity. Join Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi for this fascinating talk on Israel. This event was hosted by The David Project. For more information about The David Project, check out: http://www
Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi (1)
Chevron: Past, Present and Future (40:43)
Rabbi Danny and Mrs. Batsheva Cohen give us a first hand account of living with the brave settlers who established the modern Jewish community in Hebron. They will illustrate for us the reality of living daily under the constant threat of terror
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen (2)
The Heroines of Chevron (5:14)
Learn about life behind the Green Line and the women who have been crucial to the rebirth of Judaism in Hebron, city of our forefathers.
Mrs. Batsheva Cohen (2)
Representing Israel at the UN: Challenge or Opportunity? (30:48)
Ambassador Shalev was the keynote speaker at The Gershon Jacobson Annual Lecture. The Gershon Jacobson Annual Lecture is hosted by the Gershon Jacobson Foundation and the Algemeiner. The foundation serves as a valiant media voice addressing the most compelling issues of our time, with vision, integrity and moral clarity, informed by 4000 years of Jewish experience and wisdom
Ambassador Gabriela Shalev (1)
Greetings to the JLI Mission to Israel (37:10)
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (26)
An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership (44:19)
Ambassador Yehuda Avner discusses his book The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership.
Ambassador Yehuda Avner (2)
Chabad Emissaries Banquet - 2008 (29:31)
Ambassador Yehuda Avner (2)
Israel to the American Jew (10:20)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recounts his extraordinary personal encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu (4)