Will We Use Technology in the Messianic Era? (2:49)
Rabbi Raleigh Resnick (6)
Why Should I Want Moshiach to Come? (2:42)
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
The Biggest Misconception about the Redemption (2:54)
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
The Messianic Process (3:26)
Rabbi Ari Sollish (35)
Will There Be Free Choice after Moshiach Comes? (4:37)
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (31)
Judaism's Belief in Messiah (3:28)
What is the difference between reality now, and how it will be after the redemption? Perception!.
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
What Will the Messianic Age Look Like? (7:07)
Series: Moment of Wisdom
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
This Can Happen: A Peek Into the Future (51:42)
We recognize why the Redemption must come and the human role in making it happen. In this lesson, peek into that perfect—and perfectly possible—world as the prophets and sages vividly describe it. This is lesson 6 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to myJLI.com
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Ovadia Goldman (1)
This Can Happen: We're Getting There (35:13)
Judaism sees all of history as one connected journey toward a single desired destiny. In this lesson, we look back to identify four distinct epochs that show us how far we’ve traveled on the way to a truly good world. This is a synopsis of lesson 4 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to myJLI.com
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Ephraim Silverman (1)
This Can Happen: Superhuman vs. Super Humans (41:54)
Waiting for a Messiah to come save humanity feels a little… un-Jewish. But what if Redemption is a natural reaction to humanity’s own cumulative action? Discover the effect you’ve already had on the reality of the world. This is a section from lesson 3 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to myJLI
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Nochum Mangel (4)
This Can Happen: Who Needs Redemption? (48:26)
Though it will solve every ill in the world, the Jewish concept of Redemption is not a response to strife. The Redemption with Moshiach is an independent and foundational tenet of Jewish belief. See where it fits into the bigger story of the world and its Creation. This is lesson 2 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen"
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Sholom Raichik (1)
The Last Generation of Exile, and First Generation of Redemption (3:26)
The Rebbe said that we’re in the last generation of exile and the first generation of redemption, yet Moshiach hasn’t come yet. As such, how many years is a generation? For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi YY Jacobson (103)
This Can Happen: Start with the Science (1:04:03)
A study session on Moshiach. In a society marked by chaos and discord, it's hard to believe our world is in a better state than it has ever been. Let's dive into the data of what's wrong—and what's right—with the world today. This is lesson 1 of a six part JLI course titled: "This Can Happen". For more information on JLI's courses, go to myJLI.com
Series: This Can Happen
Rabbi Dovid Flinkenstein (5)
Why Didn't Moshiach Come Yet? (32:55)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
When the Rebbe Said: "I Did Everything to Bring Moshiach" (21:35)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
When the Redemption Arrives, Will You Show up in Pajamas? (4:27)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
If Redemption Is Imminent, Why Start New Projects Now? (3:46)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
Is Redemption Just a Dream? (2:13)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
Why Is Moshiach so Central to Judaism's Beliefs? (6:27)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
Will the Redemptive Process Be Miraculous or Natural? (8:58)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
Moshiach and the Clarity of Sight (3:00)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Moshiach: Why Do We Need a Human Being? (5:17)
Click here to see the full lesson that this excerpt is part of.
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
Moshiach: It's Up To Us (18:12)
Rabbi Shmuel Butman (169)
Passover, Redemption, and the Number Four (17:37)
This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
What Is Redemption? (14:44)
This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
Truly Awaiting the Redemption (20:52)
This video is an excerpt of a weekly Tanya class given by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
The Redemption and Charity (5:29)
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
What Does It Mean to Believe in Moshiach? (17:10)
Rabbi Yisroel Glick (57)
Moshiach: What Will Happen Before and after His Arrival? (52:56)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
Moshiach: Fantasy or Reality? (46:06)
This video is part of a series of live streams by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) to provide quality lectures during the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns. Click here to see more.
Series: Live Social Media Streams
Mrs. Fruma Schapiro (12)
When Pigs Are Kosher (52:29)
The coming of the Messiah (Mashiach) will be a game-changer. In addition to peace on earth, the return of the dead, and our reunion in Israel, the Messianic Age will bring specific aspects of halachah (Jewish law), including pigs becoming kosher: Imagine that! This lecture was delivered at the 14th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
The Process of Redemption (3:43)
What will the process of redemption be like? For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie (72)
Can Moshiach Come If Some Jews Aren't Religious? (1:24)
Can Moshiach come if there are still non religious Jews? For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
Bilaam's Prophecy about the Redemption (9:43)
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
Geulah (4:04)
Click here for more from this concert. This concert took place at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Series: National Jewish Retreat 2018 Concert
Rogers Park (17)
Is It Too Late For Moshiach? (2:22)
Is It too late for Moshiach to come? After all, he hasn't arrived till now. For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Redefining Redemption (2:06)
The Messianic era explained in two minutes.
Series: Developing Our Destiny
Let's Get Serious about Moshiach (1:03:24)
What does Moshiach really mean? How will my life change? Should I be excited about his coming? A no-holds barred session about the end of days. This lecture took place at the 12th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Reuven Wolf (14)
Them Bones Will Rise Again (48:41)
Getting another chance to see all of our loved ones alive again sounds like a foolish fantasy, but it’s right there among the Thirteen Principles of our Faith: G-d promises to revive the dead when Mashiach comes; believing in that truth is imperative to Judaism. Discover all the facts regarding this intriguing aspect of the messianic era
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
A Desire for Moshiach (1:03)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Manis Friedman (248)
Must Moshiach Come by the Year 6000? (1:27)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik (121)
Can Moshiach Be a Woman? (1:46)
For more "Crossfire" questions, go to: torahcafe.com/crossfire.
Series: Individual Crossfire questions
Rabbi Simon Jacobson (149)
Was G-d Allowed to Destroy the Temple? (26:35)
The purpose of destruction is only on the condition to rebuild better and greater. This applies to on the micro as well as on the macro level. Though we can’t recognize this in exile, what seems like negative events is really in and of itself an act of love.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
Bringing Moshiach Is Your Job! (10:28)
Learn about the historical day of 28 Nissan 5751, on which the Rebbe announed that he has done whatever he can to hasten the coming of Moshiach and the redemption, and the rest of the job he is giving to us to complete.
Series: Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
Rabbi Naftali Silberberg (460)
Reincarnation: Fiction or Fact? (54:47)
The concept of reincarnation fascinates and mystifies yet is highly misunderstood. Join Rabbi Moshe Krasnanski as he discusses the Jewish view of reincarnation
Rabbi Moshe Krasnianski (10)
Crash Course on Resurrection (55:20)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
Maimonides on Moshiach (38:48)
The Messianic era is something we have awaited for 2000 years. How will we be able to identify that era? How will it unfold? This session will address Maimonides' answers to these questions. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (18)
Crash Course on Moshiach (56:04)
Rabbi Pinchas Taylor (67)
The Evolution of Moshiach (53:45)
Series: Chassidus and Coffee: The Simple Servant
Rabbi Ruvi New (101)
Moshiach: It's Already in the News! (24:40)
When you hear about the coming of Moshiach, do you imagine some dramatic event with a thunderous shofar blast and people running through the streets announcing his arrival? We often speak about the coming of Moshiach as a mantra, but what will it actually look like? The Lubavicher Rebbe once said, “If you don't believe that the coming of Moshiach is an unfolding reality right now, you either know nothing about Moshiach or know nothing about what's going on in the world
Series: Soul Encounters
Rabbi Ari Shishler (9)
The Redemption Through Women (5:21)
Rabbi Moshe Herson (2)
Nirtza - Next Year in Jerusalem (2:40)
How have we made G-d happy by completing the seder? Rabbi Yossi Paltiel completes his commentary on the seder with the 4th cup and the hope you were able to enjoy your seder with family and friends, contemplating and talking about the story and the meanings behind it.
Series: Haggadah Insights
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel (56)
Moshiach: A Fundamental Jewish Belief (44:14)
Signs of Moshiach: after experiencing the unlimited pleasures of today's world, we can adopt a religious lifestyle. Rabbi Mendel Samuels explains the effect that Shabbtai Tzvi had on the Jews and the next 400 years of the people's relationship with the belief in Moshiach
Rabbi Mendel Samuels (2)
Moshiach. Really? (59:09)
How's your soul? Our souls connect us, it is our bodies that separate us. Rabbi Sholom Lipskar outlines the process of redemption and what to expect in the times of the Messiah. From the scientists who have discovered the G-d particle, to ancient texts, to the Lubatcher Rebbe's talks, Rabbi Lipskar brings Moshiach out of the texts and into the room
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar (14)
Inside the Third Beis Hamikdash (38:17)
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky gives a comprehensive description of the Beis Hamikdash and who will build it.
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky (2)
An In-Depth Look at Yechezkel's Prophecy (23:54)
Chapter 47 of Ezekiel, envisioning the third Holy Temple.
Mrs. Etty Bogomilsky (2)
Moshiach as a Teacher (17:12)
Series: Discourse: Venachah alav ru'ach Hashem
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Pinchas and the Redemption (36:35)
Mrs. Faigy Yusewitz (3)
Moshiach as King (12:29)
Series: Discourse: Venachah alav ru'ach Hashem
Mrs. Leah Abraham (11)
Besho'o SheMelech HaMoshiach - Vehi Sheomdo (7:49)
Dedi (10)
Moshiach: A Spiritual Revolution (57:15)
In the messianic age, G-dliness will pervade existence in a revealed way, and our relationship with spirituality will be markedly different from our current experience. Explore the true nature of “the redemption” and what it will be like to live in a spiritual utopia. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Meir Levinger (13)
Moshiach in His Time: A Conversation with Dr. Michael Kigel (24:02)
Does the coming of Moshiach depend on what we do, or is he just going to show up whenever he wants? Listen in on a fascinating conversation between Rabbi Immanuel Shochet and Dr. Michael Kigel, and gain a new perspective on your personal role in the cosmic scheme of things. This video has been produced by Kosher Tube.
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
The Truth Behind the Kosher Pig (58:00)
What will be when Moshiach comes? Will pigs be kosher? What about lobster? Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet describes some of the changes that will occur in the time of Moshiach. We can look forward to avoiding Pesach cleaning and some fasts, but forget about the lobster. This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet (186)
Geulah (2) (10:49)
How accurate are translations? Some words, like simple nouns, may have straightforward translations
Professor Lewis Glinert (25)
Parsha Power, Balak: The Difficulties in Life Create the Light of Moshiach (5:12)
Parsha Power offers a practical insight into the current Torah portion... in less than 10 minutes! This is a class given weekly by Rabbi Mendy Cohen of Sacramento, California. For more classes and information about Rabbi Mendy Cohen's synagogue, check out: www.sacjewishlife.org.
Rabbi Mendy Cohen (74)
Parsha Power, Bo: We Need to Make Sure Jews Are Properly Dressed for Moshiach (5:33)
Parsha Power offers a practical insight into the current Torah portion... in less than 10 minutes! This is a weekly class given by Rabbi Mendy Cohen of Sacramento, California. For more classes and information about Rabbi Mendy Cohen's synagogue, check out: www.sacjewishlife.org.
Rabbi Mendy Cohen (74)
Moshiach: A Conversation With Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (20:54)
How much can we know about the future Messianic era? Is there any purpose in investigating its details? In this casual discussion, Rabbi Dr. Immanuel Schochet explores some basic Jewish texts about Moshiach and the dangers of making speculations about his arrival.
Rabbi Dr. J. Immanuel Schochet (34)
Moshiach Times: Shavuot Edition (35:32)
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape is the editor of the children’s magazine, Moshiach Times. The magazine is a publication of Tzivos Hashem, “The Army of G-d.” For more information about Tzivos Hashem, check out tzivos-hashem.org.
Dr. Dovid Sholom Pape (1)
New Deal, A Conversation with Dr. Michael Kigel (24:01)
So Moshiach comes... then what? Listen in on a conversation between Rabbi Manis Friedman and Dr. Michael Kigel and have your mind blown by a whole new understanding of the Messianic Era. This video has been produced by Kosher Tube.
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
19 Kislev - Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus. Paving the Golden Path Toward Geulah (28:31)
Rabbi Eli Wolf (1)
Nor Moshiach (3:38)
Nor Moshiach (Telethon) (3:48)
Meriting the Rebuilding of the Temple (9:20)
What will it take for the Holy Temple in Jerusalem to be rebuilt - and why do we care anyway? Join Rabbi Leibel Fajnland for a discussion on what it means to merit the rebuilding of the Temple, and why it matters to you.
Rabbi Leibel Fajnland (4)
Woman of the World - The Feminine Era (48:36)
Did you know that Judiaism sees the ideal state of mankind as a female-dominated era? Join Mrs. Rochel Goldman for a perspective-altering lecture on the spiritual evolution of the world and the key role of the woman in bringing the universe to completion. .
Mrs. Rochel Goldman (2)
Mr. Moshiach: A Conversation with Dr. Michael Kigel (24:44)
Belief in an "executive world spiritual leader" - messiah, or moshiach - is a central tenant of Judaism. What will Moshiach be like? What will he actually do in the world? Is the Messianic Age something to be afraid of, or something to truly rally for every single day? This video has been produced by Kosher Tube.
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)