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Three Lives Changed Forever

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Taylor Shlessel was just one of the 35,659 Sinai Scholars alumni who found their way back to Judaism through this transformational educational program for over two hundred college campuses. At the retreat, she stood proudly alongside her Jewish husband and son, together with two other students whose stories echoed one of discovery and meaning. From being Jews whose Judaism was either a mystery or an inconvenience, they developed a deeper commitment to their roots, thanks to the Sinai Scholars program and the sense of purpose and belonging it provided. And the change didn’t end there. Taylor Shlessel, Matthew Denton, and Samantha Byrd all walked away with the desire to marry Jewish and raise families built on their faith’s values, being a link in the chain they are eternally grateful to be part of.

This presentation took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:

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Provider: Sinai Scholars Society
Video title: Three Lives Changed Forever
Category: Inspiration
Views: 78
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