Exploring the Relationship between Love and Fear, and the Role of Fear in Our Lives. In this thought-provoking video, Love and Fear, two powerful emotions, are explored in the context of a relationship with G-d. The story of Marvin Elkind, a professional boxer turned driver for New York City's biggest gangsters, serves as a backdrop for a discussion on fear and awe
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman (9)
Father and daughter pick each other's minds to discover what Jewish mysticism has to offer in a modern world in the 21st century. This session took place at the 15th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit: Jretreat.com.
Mrs. Shifra Sharfstein (11)
Listen in on an enlightening conversation between Rabbi Tzvi Freeman and Dr. Michael Kigel to reconfigure your concept of Jewish leadership and "law enforcement". This video has been produced by Kosher Tube.
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
“Messages” is a weekly TV show featuring ideas & ideals of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This episode includes a short segment of the Rebbe speaking, followed by a discussion and commentary by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. This episode concludes with a five-minute segment of “The Deed” entitled Wise Nation.
Series: Messages - Season 4
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
“Messages” is a weekly TV show featuring ideas & ideals of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This episode includes a short segment of the Rebbe speaking, followed by a discussion and commentary by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. This episode concludes with a five-minute segment of “The Deed” entitled Tireless.
Series: Messages - Season 4
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
This segment introduces Tanya as a book of practical mysticism for the masses, addressing the essential quandary that defines every human being. Rabbi Tzvi Freeman explores the misconceptions we have about our purpose, which results in our constant discontentment with our imperfections
Series: Messages - Season 5
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
Join this intriguing conversation with Michael Kigel and Tzvi Freeman as they explore how a limited mind can relate to a super rational G-d through an understanding of the human psyche. Tzvi Freeman describes how a healthy dynamic between the mind and heart reveals the infinite potential of human emotion.
Series: Messages - Season 5
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
Looking at the brain, could you imagine the complexity of what it can do? Look at the universe and realize that the complexity is infinite. Rabbi Tzvi Freeman and Dr. Michael Kigel learn together about the bridges that G-d provides to connect his infinity with our finite selves. This video has a uniquely engaging presentation style.
Series: Messages - Season 5
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)
Are you feeling like a failure? Perhaps it’s not a reflection of your humility but your arrogance. Watch Michael Kigel and Tzvi Freeman discover the healthy conflict of bitterness and joy that emerges when we let go of our superhuman expectations
Series: Messages - Season 5
Dr. Michael Chighel (59)