Authors Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson and Rabbi Zalman Abraham explore fifty long-misunderstood Hebrew words and their surprising impact on Jewish values and culture. This session took place at the 16th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson (68)
Are you really living? Do you struggle to live in the moment? Hear a panel of experts discuss mindfulness and hacks for living in the present. This panel was featured at the 13th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Dr. Rona Novick (23)
This class delves into the heart of mindful Jewish experience, exploring the various contemplative practices and powerful mental imagery espoused by the rebbes of Chabad as techniques to evoke heightened states of cognitive and emotional awareness and inspire love, hope, faith, and inner calm. This lecture took place at the 11th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
To be, or to become, that is the question. Some live to achieve, others, to experience. What is the perfect balance? How can we be powerfully present in the moment, while focused on the future? Ancient Jewish texts and ritual offer deep and powerful secrets to unlock the art of mindfulness and focus in the moment. This lecture took place at the 10th annual National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
What is real? What is not? And why was the universe designed this way? Anomalies in neuroscience, quantum mechanics and human intuition expose a reality unlike anything we’ve experienced before. These, as well as classical Jewish and Kabalistic insights, can help us conquer our fears and peer beyond the illusive to focus our lives on achievements that hold true and lasting value.
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
We stand at the brink of a new age as we witness the mysterious world of quantum physics opening up before our eyes, divulging secrets that attest to the truths of centuries-old kabbalistic constructs
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
This lecture was delivered at the 6th annual National Jewish Retreat. For more information and to register for the next retreat, visit:
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
We stand at the brink of a new age, where research into the building-blocks of the universe attests to the truths of centuries old kabbalistic wisdom
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Have you ever wondered what the Talmud is all about? Maybe you've tried to open a volume, but the layout of the page makes your head swim? Well, have no fear - myShiur is here! The myShiur Talmud Learning Initiative, launched by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, is an innovative introduction to this magnificent work. You need no prior knowledge of the Talmud and no formal legal training
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
One of the general rules of Jewish fasting: if a fast day falls on Friday, we postpone it until the following Sunday. With the fast of the 10th of Teves, however, this rule is broken. What's so important about the 10th of Teves that makes it an exception to the rule? Find out in this mini-lesson with Rabbi Zalman Abraham.
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)
Birkat Hachama (ברכת החמה, "Blessing of the Sun") refers to an exceedingly rare blessing that is recited to the Creator, thanking Him for creating the sun. The blessing is recited when the sun completes its cycle every 28 years on a Tuesday at sundown
Rabbi Zalman Abraham (12)